Monday, November 14, 2011

Veterans Day and StandUp

Hello my loyal visitors and new comers!
First I would like to talk about my favourite holiday...Veterans Day. For those non-NATO citizens, this day is internationally recognized as the Victory in Europe Day. I love this day. It is one of the few holidays that I really feel for. This isn't just because my brother is in the military, it is part, but not the entire reason. I am a huge patriot. I love my country. Although, some may argue that my country is the head of all evilness in the world, I will always support my country and her people...even if I don't agree with my countrys actions. Regardless, Veterans Day along with Memorial Day, December 7th ""A date which will live in infamy"", Patriot Day, Independence Day, and D-Day gives me a feeling that I can't explain. For it is more that patriotism,even more that nationalism, it could be described as obsession. It really could. I love my country. I am a hardcore Republican and I believe my country is the best. I know others have different views, but that is my personal believe. Anyhow, I was in my glory on Veterans Day. With my brother leaving for South Korea in December, I believe I feel closer to these holidays than ever before. But that's my thing.
Now, StandUp Day was Monday. I don't know how many,if any, participated, but I did. I was donning my StandUp, pride, and domestic violence bracelet. I feel strongly about all of these issues. Well obviously, I feel strongly against domestic violence. Duh! I felt very empowered. I felt like I meant something to someone, I am not quite sure who, but someone. And I feel as though it is my responsibility as a capable gay male to attempt to stop bullying, not just anti-LGBT, but all bullying. My strong feelings against bullying...I have trouble putting words to them. I truly do. Ben Cohen and his foundation, StandUp, work hard to push bullying out of schools,society, and just overall get it the hell out. I feel as though I owe it to Ben, my friends, my mentors, and my mentees to make a difference in school, and anywhere I may be, to help any one that I feel need it. I have always felt this way, but recently I have felt more confident and more secure that I will be able to help someone. And that is probably my favourite part about being...well me.

1 comment:

  1. I want to ask you a question, and please don't be offended, but I am curious and would like to hear your answer. Why are you a Republican? I ask because your party's most recent official platform states that gay couples should not have any relationship rights (marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships, etc.)or adoption rights, and that gays and lesbians are unfit to serve in our military. Do you agree with those positions? I believe all but one Republican candidate for President wants to reinstate the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy also.
    I recently watched the debate in the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Respect for Marriage Act, which would undo the Defense of Marriage Act's denial of federal marriage rights for couples (such as me and my husband) that are married in a state that has marriage equality. All Democratic members voted in favor, and all Republicans opposed it. Some of the comments of the Republicans were insulting to gays and lesbians. Why be part of a party that doesn't see you as equal to them, and that wants to continue to deny your rights?
    Please understand that I am not attacking your views, I just want to understand them better.
    I have had similar conversations with my father, who has always voted Republican, even though he disagrees with the party's treatment of gays and lesbians. I also discussed this with a guy that I used to date who is a Navy vet.
