Although I failed to show at the team weight room yesterday, I had training day at a new job, I would like all of you to know that I have been working out. Mostly cardio. I'm not really a fan of pumping the iron.

Therefore, I don't see the extreme need to work out in the gym all the time. Really when you think about it, swimming primarily uses your upper body and, well, your lungs. I have a nice upper body, nothing to extreme. I am also not a fan of outrageous six packs. But still, I do some nice 3 mile runs (sometimes 6 or 9, depending on my mood) pretty much every other day. I love running, it is just how I am built. But I hate track/'s a cult at my school. I do some running and I do a whole bunch of push ups. Like 100 a night.
Yes, I do love running so much that I have these. PS, they are soo comfortable!
Obviously besides running, and the occasional off-season/club swimming I have to participate in gym. Which is always nice because in the fall we do football, that would be alright if I understood it... So that's an adventure. I also usually do some manhunt (the game of "tag" at night, name is interesting though, right?) With all of that I tend to keep in good shape. And I tend to keep a perfect BMI of 21 (I am rather proud of that!).
I think that this pretty much takes care of all of the work out related info that I wanted to discuss tonight. I believe I will push out another post, but I can't guarantee anything. :D
Here's a video that always gets me in the mood to work out:
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