Monday, November 7, 2011

Well, I'm glad someone told me.

Today I was informed that the swim season will start the 21st now. Apparently this decision was made about two weeks ago. I am a little bit furious at this, not only because no one told me, but because it truly shows the lack of information exchange and unity of the team. It is compeltely outragoues.

Either way, the new start date is Novemebr 21st. Which therefore extends my announcment date to November 28th.

I am also working on the questions for Inside Out: Being Gay in a Straight Locker Room. I have decided to do indivual posts for my interviews with gays,straights, and coaches. If you have any suggestions for questions, please do not hesitate to email me with them. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I thank all of you again for reading this short and sweet post, and for reading my blog.

Post again soon!


1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog today and am reading the last few posts. I could share my locker room experiences but they all happened before you were born.

    I have also been surprised that terms that I thought everyone knew many people don't. Or basic facts of our government, such as the three braches. And basic history of the US or the world - clueless people out there. My husband taught history at the college level for a while and he was shocked at how little many people know.

    I also wanted to compliment you on being out in high school. It is a brave thing to do.
