Monday, January 2, 2012

I miss you.

I would like to dedicate this post to my brother, Rob. Rob is in Korea serving the great United States Navy. I will never forget all of the whacked up things him and I have done and will do in the future. I always know that he loves me,even if he won't admit it, and that he would do anything for me.
I never realized how much I miss him until my accident on Christmas Day, to be written about soon, and I wanted to call him so badly but I couldn't. I knew that he would be able to calm me down, even if it involved some screaming. Oh well, at that point, after the accident, I realized that I miss my brother. A lot. He's my only true brother, the only guy that I can go to with anything and expect a straight, sometimes unwanted, true response. I really want to be able to see him, but the Navy has a thing against that when they are in Korea, so that won't happen soon.
My brother is one of the greatest people that I know. He's dependable, trustworthy, able to shoot you dead-on your nose, yet caring. All I know is that if I had to name one person that I would be able to talk to for the rest of my life, it would be him. Even though he may not always say it, I know he misses and loves me, I think he knows it too. It feels odd, I am going to be his best man in his wedding next year; I kinda don't want to have to see him become a married man, I feel like he will be so grown up, I mean he is four years older, but still.
Anywho, this was my post to my brother. The one best friend that will never,ever leave me. I don't know if he reads this blog, but if he happens to read this, well he knows how much I miss him.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post, Christopher! A fine tribute to a brother that I am sure thinks about you as much as you think about him. I wonder if there is some sort of communications link that would allow at least some communications. You might want to explore that.

    Happy New Year, dude!
    Peace <3
