Friday, March 2, 2012


A lot has happened recently. Sorry about not posting lately...once again, a lot has happened.
I have lost some people, gained some, made some decisions, forgotten some stuff. Become overly happy with my life. Yeah, alot.

So, first I will start with my biggest, and most thought out, decision. In approximately seven months...and seventeen days, I will sign with the United States Navy for a five year contract. I have decided that this is the best route for me for numerous reasons. I figured out that in order to become a PR specialist and a war journalist, my best route is to join a military branch. Me being me, chose the Navy. I am greatly excited and very,very nervous. But feel that I am completely ready for anything the Navy may throw at me. I am ready to go to basic training at Great Lakes for 2 months, and then to proceed to a 6 month training in Fort Meade, Maryland. I am ready. For anything. I will become a Mass Communications Specialist. Doing photo journalism, video journalism, graphic design/editing, as well as website design...I will learn all of this in Maryland. I can honestly say that the worst part about basic will be cutting off my Red Bull; That's why my best friend, Nate, will bring me a 24 pack of the good stuff at my graduation. I feel as though I am destined to do some duty to my country, and I feel that joining the Navy, even if it is just for one contract, will suffice my internal need to represent and defend this great nation.
I broke up with my boyfriend. That was tough, but needed. That was a whole thing with interpersonal issues. Regardless, that affected me a bit. But I mostly needed that. I work best as my own person when it comes to personal life.
Ever since I made my decision to sign with the Navy, I have been very happy. Extremely happy. I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and that I don't have as much worries anymore. I only have to worry about my ASVAB scores now. I have to achieve a 110 in two selected areas. On my first practice test, I got a 180. On my second test, I received a 190. Oddly enough, you need a 190 in order to do my brother's job. Exciting,no?

Speaking of my brother... Him and I are basically stopping our relationship and friendship. Given the fact that he is the only person to not offer some sort of advice with this vital decision, I also have attempted to speak with him about random stuff, but I haven't talked with him since Christmas. Therefore, I am done with him. We may be brothers, but we don't have to be friends. Although this was a tough decision, it had to be done.
I guess not alot of stuff has happened lately, or maybe it just feels it to me. I guess. I don't know. Once again, I love see y'all's ideas and comments towards my life, so please do leave something...even if it is a "Military sucks"; Yes, I have already received negative comments towards my decision...too damn bad to them. I love my country, I don't care what other people think.


1 comment:

  1. I think you made a great decision. It sounds well thought out, with a plan for a career, and that is a very mature thing. I'm proud of you, too, and no, you shouldn't worry about what your detractors think. The military is not just for people who can't do anything else with their lives - it is very much for people who want to get ahead, learn skills that will serve them after they get out (or retire from) their branch. The only thing to remember is that in the military, it's their way or no way; there's not a lot of room for free thinkers and free spirits - you have to follow orders, procedures, etc. But that's OK. Your motivations are sound, therefore your decision is, too.

    Too bad about your bf. But sometimes it has to be done. There's a whole world out there, and you're plenty young so keep fishing.

    It's too bad about your brother, but I know how you feel. My oldest brother is distance, never communicates, and impossible to talk to about anything, unless his wife is driving the conversation - or at least listening in. I suspect you'll get closer as time goes on, or at least, I hope you do.

    Yes, lots going on, lots of big decisions, but as you say, a lot of relief in having a path to follow and a course to chart. Thanks for the update!

    Peace <3
