Recently, my good friend Sam used this picture in one of his posts:
I love this picture, he does too. And not because it's two guys holding each other, well yeah sorta. It's because it shows that even the most manliest men love each other. We do. You may not want to admit it, but we all have cuddled with our dude friends regardless of sexual orientation of either party. I have. I have pretty much done this same exact "position" numerous times. Nate and I have cuddled numerous times. Not because he's gay but because we love each other. And we are always there when the other one needs some one to lean on...or sleep on. Either or. It's love.

This picture hits me really hard. Verge of crying here. Because it reminds me of my brother and I. I am particullary sensitive about my him right now, he just flew off to fight in Korea. This is a wee bit off topic, but I am going with it. When it comes to my brother, I am really emotional. He is the only person on this entire planet that I am the most gentically identical to. He is my brother. My only brother. I love him. I am going to miss him. Whenever my brother gets restationed, I fall. I fall hard. Even when he gets moved internally. It takes a few days to hit me, but it will. And I will be crying like a 5 year old kid that couldn't get candy. Honestly, Nate is the only person that can at least attempt to help me once I fall. Usually, it involves a few sessions of cuddling/hugging *see first picture*. Anywho, I am sensitive when it comes to both my real brother, and my chosen brothers.
This is all forms of man love. Because guess what? I love all of my brothers...and I am not afraid to admit that. Love you guys, thank you.

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